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Strategy Development | Executive Ontological Coach
Be useful. Work hard. And…
”Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” — Dalai Lama XVI
As my site title suggests, my passion is to bring Purpose to the workplace and make it operational. I do this by helping you align your leadership, workforce and workflow with an inspiring higher purpose that unites hearts and minds in a spirit of deep care for one another and those you serve. We put it into action by applying my Agile Strategic Framework™ Model and Methodology to move you forward.
Is this good business?
It is. And I’m not alone in that assessment.
The former CEOs of Best Buy and Manpower, Hubert Joly and Lance Secretan, agree. Hubert’s “The Heart of Business” and Lance’s “The Spark, the Flame, and the Torch” are powerful testaments to this truth.
And I have the lived experience to know it in my bones.
I know what it’s like
to stand at a podium, staring out over a sea of shareholders at an annual meeting to deliver results… when the plan is working… and when it’s clearly not.
I know what it’s like
to sit in a boardroom, filled with dark suits, to negotiate terms for commercial loans and lines of credit… during times of profitable growth… and gut-wrenching losses.
I know what it’s like
to address an employee gathering… with an announcement that brings cheers… and news I’d rather bury under a rock.
If you know what it’s like, if you’ve been where I’ve been, you know how impossibly difficult it can be to sustain momentum in the midst of the inevitable problems and challenges that arise.
If you knew what I know, you’d understand the all-too-common root cause of organizational dysfunction and strife, and what you can do to turn that around and build momentum.
True to my higher purpose, consistent with the application of this Agile Strategic Framework™ model to my life and business, I engage with leaders who resonate with my belief that:
People are at their best when they
love what they do;
love the people they’re doing it with;
love the reason they’re doing it;
see the impact of their contribution; and
feel useful and valued in the process.
My intent and desire is to leave every person I meet a little better than I found them, including those who visit my site. So I hope you find something here that lifts you, even if it’s only my smile.
Featured in Forbes
All In The Family: Business Leaders Share Advice On Working With Relatives
Ways to Conquer Burnout That Will Help You Thrive
My Work
I help Founders, CEOs, and their teams take engagement and performance to new heights.
How? By helping you shift the focus and intention of your leadership and workforce from counter-productive and divisive fear-based concerns, to an inspiring higher purpose that:
unites and aligns all team members with your mission…
through useful, valued work…
in an environment where kindness leads, and results follow.
Higher purpose-driven organizations are the most resilient and easiest to evolve in changing times. They have higher levels of employee engagement and retention, and loyalty from their clients and customers. These attributes, and more, make them extraordinary, long term performers. Getting there requires courage, persistence, and an enlightened CEO and team intent on:
building a high performing, higher purpose-driven organization;
igniting the human spirit in service to their purpose;
operating in an agile environment that is clear about its mission; and
fueling this with the transformative power of love -
the most effective means for permanent positive change and results.
My Truths
My work is focused on, and aligned with, these direct observations I’ve made and have come to embrace as truth over sixty years of life experience, forty years of business experience, twenty years as a CEO, and five years of deep coaching and consulting in the corporate and non-profit worlds:
Fear, in some form, is at the root of every issue and conflict we deal with, leading to bad decisions and destructive, harmful outcomes.
Individual performance, and the enterprise as a whole, is severely harmed by fear through dissipated energy and focus, and damaged relationships.
The only lasting solution to fear is love. Love for the work you perform and why you perform it. And love for those you are working with and for.
We must change our understanding and relationship with the word “love,” and its application in the workplace, to globally improve the quality of life and the performance of all enterprises.
My Method
Using my Agile Strategic Framework™ model, I help you and your team:
Discover and declare the Higher Purpose you wish to serve by examining:
what matters most to you, your Core Value (Ruling Love), and
what you believe to be true about it, your Core Beliefs;
Define and declare the Organization Purpose that serves your Higher Purpose;
Declare the Personal Purpose impact this has on your individual team members;
Express your purpose-aligned, aspirational Vision you intend for your reputation and established authority in your market;
Select the vision-aligned Mission you will undertake to make this vision a reality;
Choose your mission-aligned Strategic Imperatives to accomplish your mission;
Attach your aligned Strategies, Tactics, and Tasks to this framework; and
Enter an Agile process to make consistent progress and adjustments as needed.
“Work is love made visible”
A Collection of Essays About
the Power of Finding Your Purpose
From the World's Greatest Thought Leaders
- Kahlil Gibran, poet and author 1883-1931 - quoted inspiration for this book
- Marshall Goldsmith, Coach to 150 of the world’s top CEOs - Co-author
- Alan Mulally, former Boeing and Ford CEO - Foreword